Using Fairgrounds to Improve Access to Food in Our Communities
Demolishing a Project Built in 2012 is Proposed in the Master Site Plan

More Events, More People, More Traffic

Significant increases in use of the Fairgrounds are part of the Master Site Plan proposals. 

Increased Use_Sept 17 Board

Adding this number of events adds traffic to the streets and roadways in and around the Fairgrounds. Many of the new events would be held during the week, adding to the daily rush hour traffic.  The Fair Board has a goal of heavy year round daily use which will impact the neighborhoods in and around the Fairgrounds.  Each of the additional events brings Fairgrounds and event staff, delivery trucks, staff to set up and tear down, trash hauling trucks, and parking lot sweeping, among other increases in traffic besides the event attendees.  Work at convention and expo centers can go on at all times of the day, including late at night, as equipment is loaded in and out and trash hauled off. 

Fairgrounds neighbors who bought their homes in a residential neighborhood next to schools and parks will now find themselves living next to a convention and expo center.  Fair Board members who live in Las Vegas, Newport Beach, Irvine, Lake Forest, Anaheim Hills, Orange, Santa Ana and the far corner of Costa Mesa are doing things to the College Park, Mesa del Mar and Vanguard neighborhoods of Costa Mesa that they would not welcome next to their homes.   These neighborhoods need to speak up before they lose their residential neighborhoods.


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