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Where Can I Get a Copy of the 2018 OC Fairgrounds Budget?

Porta Pottie Question (2)

You can get a copy of the 2018 OC Fairgrounds budget here.   Download 2018 Fairgrounds Budget

Revenues are shown in ($) while expenditures are shown as regular figures. Slides from the budget presentation are first, then the line item budget.

These are a couple of line items people have had questions about:

#4220 $3,721,500 in alcohol revenue at the OC Fair. This is the commission received on alcohol sales. Actual alcohol sales are estimated to be $9.3 million for 23 day OC Fair.

#4385 Camping Revenue $96,500 is paid by the carnival workers, vendors, concessionaires, and others exhibiting at the Fairgrounds who camp on site in trailers and RVs.

#4370, #4710, #4711 Parking revenues total $5,189,413 which is more revenue than #4355 Performance Admissions Revenue (Pac Amp, The Hangar, Action Sports Arena.)

#5101 Orange County Sheriff - Director Berardino directed Executive Management to reduce the $776,860 in the budget.

#5475 PR/Manager Functions $115,449 is the budgeted amount for the private nightly catered gourmet dinners for Fair Board members, their families, Executive Management, and business associates. The amount increased by nearly $7,000 from last year, but that's okay. It's the Sheriff's bill that needs to be cut.

Email your budget questions to CEO Kathy Kramer at [email protected]



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