
Where Can I Get a Copy of the 2018 OC Fairgrounds Budget?

Porta Pottie Question (2)

You can get a copy of the 2018 OC Fairgrounds budget here.   Download 2018 Fairgrounds Budget

Revenues are shown in ($) while expenditures are shown as regular figures. Slides from the budget presentation are first, then the line item budget.

These are a couple of line items people have had questions about:

#4220 $3,721,500 in alcohol revenue at the OC Fair. This is the commission received on alcohol sales. Actual alcohol sales are estimated to be $9.3 million for 23 day OC Fair.

#4385 Camping Revenue $96,500 is paid by the carnival workers, vendors, concessionaires, and others exhibiting at the Fairgrounds who camp on site in trailers and RVs.

#4370, #4710, #4711 Parking revenues total $5,189,413 which is more revenue than #4355 Performance Admissions Revenue (Pac Amp, The Hangar, Action Sports Arena.)

#5101 Orange County Sheriff - Director Berardino directed Executive Management to reduce the $776,860 in the budget.

#5475 PR/Manager Functions $115,449 is the budgeted amount for the private nightly catered gourmet dinners for Fair Board members, their families, Executive Management, and business associates. The amount increased by nearly $7,000 from last year, but that's okay. It's the Sheriff's bill that needs to be cut.

Email your budget questions to CEO Kathy Kramer at [email protected]


Does the OC Fairgrounds Make Enough Money to Add Agricultural Programs and Facilities?

Cow Sign Question (2)

Yes. The OC Fairgrounds has more than enough money now to increase agricultural programming, building new agriculture facilities, increase community programs, and lower rates to allow community groups to use the facilities. November 2017 financials show year to date revenues of $44,948,460 with operating expenses of $34,501,492 which is a profit of $10,446,968 or 23.2%.

The November 2017 financial statements are here  Download Financials_17_12_December_Board_Packet