March 22, 2018 Fair Board Meeting Agenda (Thursday at 9 AM by Choice)
The complete agenda is available here
More information including copies of contracts listed in the agenda will be available on the Monday before the Thursday 9 AM Board of Directors meeting. There is no significant update on the Master Site Plan process even though work is continuing in the back rooms without the public being asked to participate.
Issues to watch are:
Contract amendment for Spectra, the onsite caterer which holds the alcohol license and operates the Orange County Market Place. Update on the struggling Orange County Market Place. (Agenda Item 9B) A copy of the current contract with Spectra and for the OC Market Place are available on the Fairgrounds Documents Page.
Centennial Farm Foundation Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Issues: Centennial Farm Foundation is legally separate from Centennial Farm and does not own, operate, or provide a significant source of funding for Centennial Farm. Centennial Farm Foundation has been asked to sign an MOU formalizing the relationship with the OC Fairgrounds (Orange County Fair and Event Center) and has not signed the MOU after a long wait. The Board may take action regarding the MOU at this meeting which is not expected to make a significant change in operation of Centennial Farm.
California Assembly Bill 2396 Discussion: This is a bad bill which allows conflicts of interest and removes competitive bidding rules, among other changes. Kill the bill!
Committee/Task Force/ Liaison Reports will be given on these areas (Agenda Item 9A):
Pacific Amphitheatre Operation Evaluation & Review Task Force (Director Berardino, Director Tkaczyk): This task force hired the former manager of the Pacific Amphitheatre under Nederlander when the noise problems occurred to assist the task force in reviewing Pacific Amphitheatre operations and making recommendations for changes. A no-bid contract was used for the hiring.
Centennial Farm Foundation Board (Director Cervantes)
Heroes Hall Veterans Foundation Board (Director Berardino, Director LaBelle): Note that Heroes Hall Veterans Foundation does not own, operate or provide a significant source of funding for the Heroes Hall Museum.
Financial Monitoring Committee (Director Pham, Director Mouet)
Legislative Monitoring Task Force (Director Berardino, Director Aitken)
Master Site Plan Task Force (Director La Belle, Vice Chair Ruiz)
Tenant Liaison Committee (Director Tkaczyk, Director Berardino)
Equestrian Center Task Force (Director Aitken, Director Tkaczyk)
Questions or Comments can directed to:
CEO Kathy Kramer [email protected]
OC Fair Board Directors Added May 3, 2018
Chair Barbara Bagneris [email protected]
Vice Chair Robert Ruiz [email protected]
Ashleigh Aitken [email protected]
Nick Berardino [email protected]
Sandra Cervantes [email protected]
Doug La Belle [email protected]
Gerardo Mouet [email protected]
Newton Pham [email protected]
Stan Tkaczyk [email protected]
Public records requests can be submitted to [email protected]